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Data@UiO -- Collection, analysis and management of big (& sometimes sensitive) data

Open user meeting for TSD, EduCloud, Nettskjema, HPC, FAIR.


Read more about the conference

This conference will be digital and you can stream the video directly from this webpage. All days are open for everyone to participate and you do not need to register.

This conference is perfect for anyone who is using or considering using any of the IT-services UiO offers for research.

Recordings of most of the presentations will be published on this website. 


Man 13. juni 09.00: TSD and EduCloud (eng)

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  • 09.00: Welcome

  • 09.10: KeyNote: Kreftregisteret ved Trine Rounge, leder for seksjon for integrert kreftgenomikk

    • Kreftregisteret have been using a seperate app node for their analyzes in TSD

  • 09.40: Last 2 years in TSD

    • Scaling to 2000 projects and 8000 users

    • The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA)

    • FoodCapture: From Phd project to clinical device

    • Therapy training with media capture in TSD

  • 10.10: New features in TSD:

    • Selfservice 

    • Publication portal

    • New integration with Nettskjema

    • Consent system

    • Unified storage

  • 11.00: EduCloud

    • What is EduCloud? Live demo

    • Nettskjema integration with EduCloud. Live Demo.

  • 11.30: TSD/Educloud roadmap

    • Consent system in EduCloud

    • Integration with TSD and

  • 12.00: Q&A and demos on request

Tirs 14. juni 09.00: Nettskjema (nor)

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For details about the program go to the event in the norwegian web page

Wed 15. juni 09.00: HPC (eng)

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  • 09.00: Intro to HPC@UiO: Light HPC, ML-nodes, Fox, Colossus (Jon Kerr Nilsen, USIT, UiO)

  • 09:20: National HPC resources (Jenny Amundsen, Sigma2)

  • 09.40: HPC@UiO getting started - training overview (Sabry Razick, USIT, UiO)

  • 10.10: Mapping usecase to resource - (Anne Bergsaker, USIT, UiO)

  • 10.30: Q&A and demos on request

    • portal to Fox

    • Getting access to Light HPC

    • Loading a scientific software module.

  • 12.00 - 13.00: KeyNotes:

    • High-performance particle physics with GAMBIT: searching for new physics using HPC  (Anders Kvellestad, Dept. of Physics, UiO, head of the international GAMBIT collaboration)

    • Digital twin and HPC (Einar Brock Johnsen, Dept. of Informatics, UiO, strategy director of Sirius, member of the Scientific Council of the dScience centre at UiO)

Tors 16. juni 12.00: Datahåndtering og Mobilapper (nor)

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Link to zoom: Just press PLAY on top of this page, we are streaming!

For details about the program go to the event in the norwegian web page

Published June 23, 2022 9:46 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2023 11:43 PM