Linux client for VMware View with PCoIP support

Finally, VMware released a more generic Linux client for VMware View, this time with PCoIP support. Yay!

Now, lets test how generic it is, and how easy it is to install on a few different Linux distributions.

Updated on 2015-08-10: installation log for Debian Jessie and RHEL7 in addition to information about the rpm/deb-request to VMware.

At work, the University of Oslo, we mainly use RedHat Enterprise Linux and some Fedora. My Linux-distro of choice is Debian, so I will have to limit my testing to Debian, RHEL6 and RHEL7. I will only test the main PCoIP support, not the USB Redirection, Smart Card, Real-Time Audio-Video or Virtual Priting.

I have asked VMware to provide rpm and deb packages for the view client and the view agent as this bundle installation might be a uniform installer for VMware, but for us as an enterprise this is a custom and unwanted way of installing packages. As of August 10 I still wait for an answer..


On Debian jessie, the bleading-edge version of Debian, this is my installation log:

# build dependencies
apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5

# installation of the view client
env TERM=dumb \
  ./VMware-Horizon-Client-3.2.0-2331566.x86.bundle \
  --console \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-usb usbEnable yes \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-virtual-printing tpEnable yes \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-smartcard smartcardEnable no \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-rtav rtavEnable no

# preparing for multiarch
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update

# dependencies
apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libxss1:i386 libssl1.0.0:i386 \
        libxml2:i386 libstdc++6:i386 gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 \
        libuuid1:i386 libxtst6:i386

# dependency not available as i386 in archive (?)
dpkg -i libudev0_175-7.2_i386.deb

Things seems to work now, but I did use some time figuring out the libxtst6:i386-dependency.


The installation was stright forward, but the client is linked to some dynamic libraries and does expect different file names on theese libraries than RedHat offers in RHEL6. This fixes the libraries needed for the basic client and PCoIP-support:

# cd /var/lib
# ln -s
# ln -s

Now I as able to start the View client and connect to our Vew test environment.


Installation log is as follows:

# build dependencies
yum install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 ncurses-libs.i686

# installation of the view client
env TERM=dumb \
  ./VMware-Horizon-Client-3.2.0-2331566.x86.bundle \
  --console \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-usb usbEnable yes \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-virtual-printing tpEnable yes \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-smartcard smartcardEnable nyes \
  --set-setting vmware-horizon-rtav rtavEnable yes

# dependencies
yum install atk.i686 gtk2.i686 libpng12.i686 libxml2.i686 libXScrnSaver.i686

# very ugly workaround for the missing openssl 1.0.0
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Gives a warning about the wrong version of openssl and there is one more problem related to certificates that I have not investigated further (might also be related to openssl).

Tags: view, vdi, pcoip, vmware, linux By Morten Werner Forsbring
Published Dec. 10, 2014 6:42 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2015 6:34 AM