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The TASK team at USIT offers courses and training in the use of various IT solutions for qualitative and quantitative analysis. We also offer help with statistics and advanced data capture and management. Our courses in Python, R, SPSS and Stata are taught every semester. 

Our services

Our courses

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Image showing TASK team members

About the team

The TASK team consists of members with backgrounds from research within various fields, ranging from applied mathematics and physics, via neuroscience to pedagogy and linguistics. We have experience with scientific programming, as well as with a wide variety of software used within both quantitative and qualitative analysis. As a team we can help you with data capture, data cleaning and data management, give advice on what analysis software and methods that would be suitable for your research project, as well as help you interpret and describe your analysis results. We teach courses in R/RStudio, Python, Stata and SPSS. If there are particular courses you want us to provide, feel free to reach out to us! You can also sign up for our email list where we send out notifications about upcoming courses.