Rolf Nordhagen i Internet Hall of Fame

Rolf Nordhagen ble valgt inn i Internet Hall of Fame på ISOC (Internet Society) sitt arrangement i Hong Kong 8. april 2014.

HONG KONG — 08.04.2014 — Rolf Nordhagen today joins the elite ranks of notable individuals who have been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame for their significant contributions to the advancement of the global Internet. The Internet Hall of Fame inducted Rolf Nordhagen for his contributions to developing the early Internet in the Nordic countries, in the former Eastern-Europe and in Caucasus and Central Asia.

Rolf Nordhagen has been named a Pioneer, a category which recognizes and celebrates individuals who were instrumental in the early design and development of the Internet.

“The 2014 Internet Hall of Fame inductees include extraordinary individuals who have helped shape the global Internet,” noted Internet Society CEO Kathy Brown. “This historic assembly of Internet trailblazers, innovators, and thought-leaders represent many different countries and backgrounds, each with an inspiring story to share.  We applaud their achievements and determination to push the boundaries of technological and social innovation to connect the world.”

“Being part of the community that pioneered the development and proliferation of the Internet was very much his life’s most significant project.”

Established Anne-Lise Nordhagen when thanking the advisory board for the nomination of her late husband. “Very early, he envisioned the great improvements it would have on the academic exchange of knowledge, ideas and discourse. That it would ultimately connect and empower people all over the globe for social, commercial and political purposes was as astonishing to him as it probably is to most of us.”

Rolf Nordhagen was honored at the Internet Society’s 2014 Induction Ceremony on April 8 in Hong Kong. The Internet Hall of Fame induction ceremony can be viewed via livestream: More details on the 2014 Internet Hall of Fame inductees, including their biographies and photos, can be found at You can follow the Internet Hall of Fame on Facebook and on Twitter at @Internet_HOF (#ihof2014).

About the Internet Hall of Fame

The Internet Hall of Fame ( is a recognition program and virtual museum that celebrates the living history of the Internet and the individuals whose extraordinary contributions have made the Internet, its worldwide availability and use, and its transformative nature possible.  The Internet Hall of Fame was launched by the Internet Society in 2012.

About the Internet Society

The Internet Society ( is the trusted independent source for Internet information and thought leadership from around the world. With its principled vision and substantial technological foundation, the Internet Society promotes open dialogue on Internet policy, technology, and future development among users, companies, governments, and other organizations. Working with its members and Chapters around the world, the Internet Society enables the continued evolution and growth of the Internet for everyone.

Publisert 8. apr. 2014 11:24 - Sist endret 2. jan. 2023 11:14