Click on the API links below to see it in action. You can hide the default toolbar controls via the Interface tab in SpotEditor or by selecting Empty skin. More details about the APIs are available in our User Guide.

Toolbar API

Image API

Hotspot API

  • activate (To test, create a hotspot with image or text content named spot1)
  • deactivate (To test, create a hotspot with image or text content named spot1)
  • trigger (Trigger hotspot action if present. To test, create a hotspot named spot1 and assign an action)
  • onAction (Click once to subscribe to hotspot action events)
  • onActivate (Click once to subscribe to hotspot activation events)
  • onDeactivate (Click once to subscribe to hotspot deactivation events)
  • hide (unhide) (To test, create a hotspot named spot1)
  • getDynamicHotspots

Misc API

  • reload (Can be used to load other 360 views in place)
  • updateDimensions (Call if your website doesn't rely on CSS for layout responsiveness)
  • delete (Terminate viewer instance and free memory)