Introduction to Machine learning in R: Classification

An introduction to machine learning in R focusing on classification (supervised learning)

Image may contain: Gesture, Font, Art, Wing, Illustration.

Time and place:

The course consists of two sessions:

Tuesday October 17th, 09:15-12:00, in seminar room Postscript, Ole-Johan Dahls hus

Thursday October 19th, 12:15-15:00, in seminar room Java, Ole-Johan Dahls hus

Who is it for?

This is a course for UiO-affiliated students or researchers those that want to learn more about machine learning, how it can be used in research, but do not have a strong background in mathematics or data science. This is a hands-on course and it is an advantage but not necessary that you are accustomed to writing code in R. Basic knowledge of descriptive statistics and tidyverse is a plus.

A video (approximately 25 minutes) has been prepared that might be useful for those that are completely new to machine learning, with example use-cases in research.


How do I sign up?

A valid UiO user-account is required to attend this course. The sign up form is here. You will be notified in advance if the course has to be held online over zoom. 

Important: Participants must use their own PC or Mac (laptop) with both R and RStudio installed. Both R (≥ 3.3.0) and RStudio are free and do not require a licence. R can be installed from and RStudio  from

Contact IT-support from your faculty or department if you need help with installation. You can use UiO Programkiosk ("Statistikk fullskjerm") if it is not possible to install either R or RStudio on your own computer. 

Install the following packages in R(studio) before the start of the course:
tidyverse, tidymodels, xgboost, vip, patchwork, workflowsets
*extra packages* doParallel, discrim

How to install packages in R

A second screen/monitor is an advantage (i.e. one for zoom, the other for coding)

36 participants

Links to course material


The focus will be on building and evaluating machine learning models in R rather than an in-depth breakdown of specific algorithms. We will be building models to distinguish between different categories of text based on linguistic features (including number of nouns, adjectives, etc.) using XGBoost.

  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Binary classification
    • Feature importance
  • Multiclass classification
  • Cross-validation
  • Additional topics
    • Preprocessing data with "recipe" 
    • Building and evaluating multiple models
    • Statistically comparing models
    • Hyperparamater tuning


The course will be in English this semester.


Luigi Maglanoc, PhD, Data Management, IT Department.

Contact information

Send questions about the course to

Tags: R, Rstudio, statistics, data analysis, data science, data visualization, machine learning, classification
Published Aug. 28, 2023 1:00 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2023 2:46 PM