What is cloud computing, and why do we need to care

Here are some advices and a resource list for you when looking for a cloud service for your work at UiO.

Cloud service for your work; why do we need to care?

decorative image of cloud service accessed from diverse IT tools
Illustration foto: colourbox.com

A cloud computing service is an IT service managed and operated by someone other than the university’s own IT unit, e.g. Amazon, Google or Microsoft. What does this mean in practice? Using a cloud service as a part of your work at UiO, means that UiO is responsible for the consequences of using that cloud service. Therefore, UiO/USIT cares so that you can safely use IT services that are necessary for your work. 

Many of the IT services you are using as a staff member or researcher at UiO are operated and maintained by USIT, but there are also other services run by external service providers that UiO has a Data Processor Agreement (DPA) on. As shown in the information security guidelines, each of us is responsible to ensure our data at UiO is managed securely. As long as you follow the rules of each service approved by UiO, they are safe to use for your work at UiO. However, use of a cloud service that is not approved by UiO or using it in a manner it was not approved for, may lead to a big problem including a very large fine for UiO.

Use UiO approved IT services

decorative image showing "UiO approved"-text with a check mark in green.In short, we strongly recommend to stick to IT services approved by UiO and use them for approved purposes.

We are aware that the UiO website is an information jungle growing every day. Moreover, many pages are available only in Norwegian. Yes, it may make it even more challenging for many whose first language is not Norwegian.

So, in this and the next blog post, we introduce some key points and the pages that you are encouraged to check.

Where should you go to find what you need?

A good starting place is «Finner du ikke det du trenger?»(Norwegian only at the moment). The first section of this page provides links to the following from the top:

  • Service catalogue: USIT’s overview of approved services at UiO
  • The list of IT services at your department and faculty
  • Software that can be installed on your UiO machine or used through "UiO Programkiosk" via VMWare
  • The list of approved 3-rd party tools in Canvas
  • The list of cloud services that are already assessed or under assessment

The service catalogue gives filtering options at the top. Listed services are marked with the colour icons and text to show classes of data and information that can be stored/used in each service.

Even if you cannot find a service that you are thinking of in the service catalogue, it may be available at only specific departments, or as a software to be installed and running on your machine or accessible through a virtual machine, as an integrated tool in Canvas (for teaching purpose). It may also happen that the service is under assessment or already assessed. Please therefore don’t forget to check the rest of the linked pages as well!

Next post is to be about the application process 

It is of course possible to apply for a new cloud service, but then you need to be aware that it might take a while before it is processed. Good preparation of the application would be essential, and even a small background check of a service about some important points would help you judge if the service could be deemed as feasible or not in the further assessment process.

In the next post, we provide some summary information and resources to go.

By Naoe Tatara, Anne Schad Bergsaker
Published Jan. 14, 2022 1:28 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2023 4:15 PM
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En blogg for deg som er interessert i IT-verktøy og datahåndtering, samt informasjon om, og erfaringer fra, forskningsprosjekter hvor bruk av IT inngår som en sentral del, enten det dreier seg om kvalitative eller kvantitative metoder/forskningsspørsmål.