Post-processing scripts for the AD sync

In some situations, it will be necessary to do post-processing on the server side after, for example, a user is provisioned. The post-processing script can for example create the users home directory, or do other nice stuff.

Overview of the flow

The following sequence-diagram outlines how the PP scripts are used:

+---------+                                       +-----------+
| AD sync |                                       | AD-server |
+---------+                                       +-----------+
  |                                                    |
  |   1. Update a user                                 |
  |                                                    |
  |   2. Run post-processing script                    |
  |                                                    |
  |   2.1. Fetch PPS return code                       |
  |                                                    |
  |                            +--------------------+
  |                            | Owner of AD-server |
  |                            +--------------------+
  |                                   |
  |   3. If PPS RC nonzero, report    |
  |                                   |

Interesting Powershell variables to consider for implementation

$LastExitCode The exit code from the last executed program
$Error An array of the most recent error objects. Most recent first.

Signing of Powershell scripts

In order for the sync to be able to run the post-processing scripts, the execution poicy must be changed, and the scripts should be signed.

It will probably be wise to spend a bit of time signing the PPS, and using the AllSigned execution policy.

Execution policies

  • Restricted The restricted execution policy will not allow any scripts to be run, either signed or unsigned. This is the default policy.
  • AllSigned All scripts that are signed by a publisher you trust can be run.
  • RemoteSigned All scripts that are signed by a publisher you trust can be run automatically by applications like Outlook. You probably should not do this!
  • Unrestricted All scripts can be run, no signing required. You probably should not do this!
Publisert 28. juni 2013 13:46