The Cerebrum Email module

The Cerebrum.modules.Email (along with design/mod_email) implements data models for storing information associated with an email system.


Most of the data model centers around the EmailTarget, which represents an abstract email account. One-to-one relationships with EmailTargets are typically EmailTarget subclasses, while many-to-one relationships are Entity subclasses with an EmailTarget foreign key.


EmailTargets are the email accounts in Cerebrum.

It is a common object that we can tie other email related data to. It decides how/where emails should be delivered.

Email targets are exposed in the email database ldap tree, and used by the email system to process incoming emails (e.g. bounce, deliver to inbox, forward to address, forward to address AND deliver to inbox, forward to email list system x, ...)

EmailTarget is backed by the email_target table. This table references the entity_info table:

  • entity_id = target_id in other tables
  • enitity_type = Constants.entity_email_target

The other columns are:

What type of email account this is: account, deleted, pipe, multi, etc...
target_entity_id, target_entity_type

Only applies to some target types. These two attributes points to the target of the email account. E.g. a regular email target (target_type=account) is owned by a user account. In that case the target will be that user account.

The multi target is a simplified email list function. A multi target points to a group, and email to this target gets re-sent to all members of the group.

TODO: Confirm this. The posix uid of a user for this email target. Only used when executing the pipe command for a pipe email target on the target host.
Points to an EmailServer to handle this email target.


Valid domain parts for email addresses managed by Cerebrum. Each EmailDomain should have an MX record managed by us.

In the entity_info table

  • entity_id = domain_id in other tables
  • entity_type = Constants.entity_email_domain

In the email domain table:

  • domain - domain part of email addresses, (e.g.,
  • description - description of usage for this domain


Actual email addresses managed by Cerebrum.

  • Each address belongs to an EmailDomain (the domain part of the address)
  • Each address must point to an EmailTarget (i.e. how should emails to this address be handled/where should they be delivered)
  • Note that an adresses should generally not be deleted after being created. An email address should remain locked to its EmailTarget indefinitely, to prevent other EmailTargets from re-using that email address.

In the entity_info table:

  • entity_id = address_id in other tables
  • enitity_type = Constants.enitity_email_address

In the address table

The actual local part of an email address (e.g. example if the address is
The domain part of an email address. Points to an existing EmailDomain.
The target (email account) of this address. Points to an existing EmailTarget.
TODO: Is this even used?


Affiliation rules for email domains.

These are rule objects that stores which domains can/should be used by a person with a given affiliation.

Used as an Entity mixin -> This entity_id has this affiliation to domain_id. If no rule matches when creating a new account/email account, the user will typically only get email addresses on the form <uid>@<default domain>

  • entity_email_domain_id -> EmailDomain.entity_id
  • entity_email_affiliation -> PersonAffiliation


EmailTarget subclass to provide storage quotas for an email account.

Storage quotas are stored in Cerebrum, but exported to and enforced by the email system.


EmailTarget subclass to provide incoming email filter settings (i.e. which set of filter rules to use, e.g. greylist, uioonly).


EmailTarget subclass with settings on what to do with emails that are filtered (e.g. put in spam folder, drop all spam)


EmailTarget subclass with TODO

TODO: Virus scan processing rules for incoming email?

  • email_virus_found_act = found_action?
  • email_virus_removed_act = removed_action?
  • email_virus_enable = enable?


EmailTarget subclass with forwarding rules for email targets.

If a forward is set, all email to this target gets forwarded to the specified address. local_delivery controls whether forwarded emails are also delivered/processed by the EmailTarget itself.

A special EmailTarget.target_type exists for targets that should just forward.


EmailTarget subclass to provide autoreply for a limited time period.

TODO: This is not in use @ UiO anymore. Does anyone else use this?


EmailTarget subclass that designates a given EmailAddress as the primary email address for this target.

Email targets can have multiple email addresses, but in some cases we need to pick one address.

Most email targets have at least one address, and a primary email address set

Note: At UiO, the From address is typically modified to use this address when sending emails from a personal account.


A server for handling email.

In the entity_info table:

  • entity_id = server_id in email tables
  • TODO: enitity_type

TODO: How does this work post-exchange?


Automatically maintains email info for an account.

TODO: Document more


Allows listing email data for a person.

TODO: Document more

Note: Uses it's own rules for determining primary account!

Publisert 8. juni 2022 16:20