Setting up GPG for use with Cerebrum

This is a short howto for setting up GPG for use with the Cerebrum.modules.gpg and Cerebrum.utils.gpg modules.

Setting up a GnuPG homedir

First, create a home directory for GnuPG keyrings, trust-db, etc...:

mkdir -m 0700 /path/to/gnupg_home

Then import public keys for use with the module:

gpg2 --homedir /path/to/gnupg_home --import /path/to/pubkey

Now, to be able to use this key for encryption, it needs to be validated. This can either be achieved by signing it with our own, private key, or by setting ultimate trust for the key:

# list keys and their ids
gpg2 --homedir /path/to/gnupg_home --list-keys

# edit the key, and follow the wizard to set trust level 5 (ultimate)
gpg2 --homedir /path/to/gnupg_home --edit-key <key-id> trust

Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y

For test environment, you may want to generate your own key pair, so that you are able to decrypt the GPG data as well:

# generate a key
gpg2 --homedir /path/to/gnupg_home --full-generate-key

# After completing the wizard, you can list your keys with
gpg2 --homedir /path/to/gnupg_home --list-keys

Configuring Cerebrum

Set cereconf.GNUPGHOME:

GNUPGHOME = "/path/to/gnupg_home"

Configure which keys to use for different tags. This is done in the ${CEREBRUM_CONFIG_ROOT}/gpg_data.(json|yml) file:

    "tag_to_recipient_map": [
            "tag": "foo",
            "recipients": [
            "tag": "bar",
            "recipients": [

Cerebrum GPG tags

This tag is stored by the Cerebrum.modules.gpg.password module. It stores a GPG-encrypted plaintext password for each recipient. The recipient is typically a public key belonging to the Active Directory hosts that are involved in syncing passwords.
Like password, but the password is base64 encoded
Publisert 8. juni 2022 16:20