
Cerebrum.logutils is a module for bootstapping the standard logging module for Python. This is a description of the Cerebrum.logutils module configuration, module internals, and how it is used in Cerebrum.

1   Configuration

There are two different types of configuration for the Cerebrum.logutils module; the logging environment config, and the logger preset config.

1.1   Logging environment

The logging enviromnent config is a configuration file with name logenv, that resides in the Cerebrum configuration directory (<prefix>/etc/cerebrum/config by default).

To see the current settings, run:

python -m Cerebrum.logutils.config

To see the doocumentation for this configuration, run:

python -c 'import Cerebrum.logutils.config as c; print(c.LoggingEnvironment.documentation())'


logging.confdir (string, directory)
Location of logger preset configuration, i.e. a folder with standard logging configuration files.
logging.logdir (string, directory)
Root directory of logs. This will be the value that replaces ${root} in the filename argument of Cerebrum.logutils.handlers loghandlers.
logging.common_config (string, preset/basename)

A logger preset name that contains common logging configuration. When the logging hierarchy is configured during bootstrap, this config file will be loaded and applied before the named preset.

NOTE: If no file exists in logging.confdir with the given common config name, this file will be silently skipped.
logging.merge (boolean)

If the common config should be merged with the logging.common_config before being applied. Setting this to True will cause the config loading to behave differently:

  1. Any handlers applied to the root logger in logging.common_config will persist after loading the named preset.

  2. Names of handlers, filters, etc. defined in logging.common_config can be used in the named preset.

  3. If the named preset specifies to disable existing loggers, this will not disable anything defined in the logging.common_config.

    NOTE: It is not possible to merge configuration files if any of the configurations use an ini style configuration (logging.config.fileConfig).

logging.require_config (boolean)

Causes scripts to fail if the named preset does not exist in logging.confdir. Setting this to True prevents scripts from running without a proper logging configuration.

If set to false, and no appropriate logging presets are found, the logging hierarchy will be configured with logging.basicSetup() - i.e. log to stderr.

exceptions.enable (boolean)
Enable logging of exceptions.
exceptions.level (string, log level)
The log level to use for exceptions.
warnings.enable (boolean)
Enable logging of warnings.
warnings.level (string, log level)
The log level to use for warnings.
warnings.filters (list, filter strings)
A list of extra warning filters to apply.

1.2   Logger preset

Logger presets are regular configuration files for the python logging module, and configures the logger hierarchy (loggers, handlers, filters, formatters).

The presets should reside in the directory given by the logging environment config (logging.confdir, <preset>/var/log/cerebrum by default).

Scripts usually select a default named preset (usually "crontab") when setting up the logging hierarchy. This default preset can be overloaded with command line arguments.

2   Arguments

Cerebrum-scripts that use logutils will also automatically support a few extra command line arguments that overrides the logging defaults:

  • --logger-name=<preset>: use a different preset name for logging
  • --logger-level=<level>: use a different logger level for the root logger
  • --logger-exc|--logger-no-exc: turn on/off the exceptions logging
  • --logger-warn|--logger-no-warn: turn on/off the warnings logging

Scripts that use argparse should use a preset argument group, and pass on the arguments to the logging bootstrap:

import argparse
from Cerebrum.logutils import autoconf
from Cerebrum.logutils.options import install_subparser

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# ... add custom arguments

# Add logging argument group

# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()

# Run logging bootstrap
autoconf('cronjob', args)

If autoconf is called without an argparse namespace object (e.g. autoconf('cronjob')), the bootstrap runs in legacy mode. The command line arguments are then fetched directly from sys.argv, applied to the bootstrap configuration, and then removed from sys.argv.

3   Exceptions

In scripts that use logutils, a custom exception handler can optionally be set up, that also sends the error message and stack trace of unhandled exceptions to a logger. This behaviour can be configured in the logging environment configuration, and overridden by command line arguments.

NOTE: Any exception raised before or during bootstrap, will be handled by the default exception handler, i.e. get printed to sys.stderr.

4   Warnings

In scripts that use logutils, a custom warnings handler can optionally be set up, that logs warning messages with a logger. This behaviour can be configured in the logging environment configuration, and overridden by command line arguments.

NOTE: Any warning issued before bootstrap will be handled by the default warnings handler, i.e. get printed to sys.stderr.

4.1   Filtering

Warnings can be filtered away in Python, and certain filters are already in place by default. This behaviour is described well in the Python-documentation of the warnings-module.

The logging bootstrap clears all the default warning filters, and re-applies filters from:

  1. The PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable

  2. The -W option to python

  3. Filters defined in the warnings section of the logging environment configuration

    NOTE: Python ignores incorrecly formatted filters by default. The logutils module does not accept invalid filter-syntac, and throws an exception if any invalid filter strings are used.

5   Bootstrap

The logging bootstrap sets up the logging environment, by doing the following:

  1. Install custom log levels and logger class in the logging module
  2. Parse command line arguments (legacy-mode), or read command line arguments from a pre-parsed argparse.Namespace object.
  3. Read the logging environment configuration
  4. (legacy-mode only) read cereconf settings (LOGGER_ROOT_DIR, PYTHONWARNINGS)
  5. Use the configured logger preset (logger-name) to find a logger configuration and configure the logger hierarchy.
  6. Configure the exceptions hook, if enabled
  7. Configure the warnings handler, if enabled

This bootstrap can be called multiple times, but will only run once, and is initiated by calling Cerebrum.logutils:autoconf():

from Cerebrum.logutils import autoconf
autoconf('cronjob', namespace=None)

The first argument is the default logger preset for this script. This preset is used if no --logger-name arguments are given.

The second argument is an argparse.Namespace object from parsing command line arguments, that may or may not contain any logging arguments.

If no namespace-object is given to autoconf, then it will execute in legacy mode!

If Cerebrum.Utils:Factory.get_logger or Cerebrum.logutils:getLogger is called before bootstrap, the autoconf will be called, and will run in legacy mode. This ensures that pre-existing Cerebrum-scripts that are not altered to use this module will continue to work as before.

6   Submodules

The Cerebrum.logutils consists of:

Bootstrapping of the logging environment. See the bootstrap section for a description of this procedure.
Logutils-configuration, configures the logging environment and bootstrap. See the configuration section for more details.
Custom logging filters that can be applied to loggers and log handlers.
Custom logging formatters that can be used by log handlers.

Custom file log handlers. These log handlers works much like the regular python log handlers, but with a few modifications:

  • Filename arguments can be template strings
  • Directories are created if missing
  • Log file creation is delayed by default
  • A custom re-encoding file stream is used, for logging both latin1 and utf-8 bytestrings, as well as unicode-strings.
  • The CerebrumRotatingHandler uses threading locks, to prevent race conditions when performing the log rotation.
  • The CerebrumTimedRotatingHandler uses threading locks like CerebrumRotatingHandler, but instead of rotating based on file size, it rotates based on time.
Utilities for setting up logging of unhandled exceptions.
Utilities for setting up logging of warnings.
Utilities for parsing command line arguments.
Custom streams/file-like objects for writing log files.

6.1   Handlers

The Cerebrum.logutils.handlers consists of:

A file handler that logs one job run into exactly one log file.

This handler rotates the logs much like handlers.RotatingFileHandler, except that the file opening is delayed, and rotation requires threading locks.

Rollover occurs when the current file is nearly maxBytes long.


  • maxBytes: Maximum file size before rollover
  • backupCount: How many backups to keep
  • filename: Path to file. Accepts keywords ${root}, ${date} and ${script}
  • permissions: Which permissions to set for file i.e 0640
  • encoding: Which encoding to use when writing to file, i.e utf-8
  • level: Which logger level this logger is used for, i.e ERROR, WARNING, etc. Can be NOTSET to log everything not logged by something else.

Pretty much a copy of logging.handlers.TimedRotatingHandler. Rotates based on time.


  • when: One of 'S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'midnight', 'W{0-6}' (0 -Monday). Each results in their own formats for backup file names.
  • interval: The interval at which to rollover
  • backupCount: How many backups to keep
  • filename: Path to file. Accepts keywords ${root}, ${date} and ${script}
  • permissions: Which permissions to set for file i.e 0640
  • encoding: Which encoding to use when writing to file, i.e utf-8
  • level: Which logger level this logger is used for, i.e ERROR, WARNING, etc. Can be NOTSET to log everything not logged by something else.


  • when: 'S', interval: 5, backupCount: 2 - rolling over every 5 seconds, keeping 2 backups, resulting in maximum 14s logged.
  • when: 'D', interval: 2, backupCount: 2 - rolling over every 2 days at midnight, keeping 2 backups, resulting in maximum 2d59m59s logged.
  • when: 'H', interval: 6, backupCount: 5 - rolling over every 6 hours, keeping 5 backups, resulting in maximum 1d11h59m59s logged.
Av fhl
Publisert 4. des. 2019 10:43