As I've promised Andreas, here is my attempt at shedding some light on why Cerebrum installs its files in so many different directories. * Layout of the Cerebrum development tree. The various files that makes up Cerebrum's CVS tree (and hence any Cerebrum release tarball) can be split into several groups: ** cerebrum/Cerebrum/ -- the 'Cerebrum' python package. When some piece of python code does "from Cerebrum import foo", it imports some part of the Cerebrum python package. This package contains both the "Core Cerebrum API" (which is made up of all files directly under cerebrum/Cerebrum -- e.g. "", "" and "") and lots of extensions building on this core API. Any such extension is made up of one or more files residing somewhere under cerebrum/Cererum/modules. This modules/ directory has a few files placed directly in it -- these correspond to extensions that aren't (believed to be) specific to any particular country or institution. Modules that *are* considered country- or institution-specific are placed in subdirectories of the modules/ directory; e.g. modules specific to Norway lives in cerebrum/modules/no/, while modules specific to The University of Oslo lives in cerebrum/Cerebrum/modules/no/uio/. The reason for splitting the modules/ subpackage in this reverse-domain-name fashion is to allow different institutions to maintain "their own" extensions without too much inter-institutional quarreling over whether or not extension "foo" should be changed (to support new features/clean up the code/whatever). While code reuse is nice, it isn't necessarily a good idea to make it compulsory for all code to be reusable. Example: The folks at might be perfectly happy with how "" is working for them, while the folks at desperately needs to tweak it a bit -- in a way that would make it unusable to Solution: Let the folks use instead, where they can do all the tweaking they need. The folks can then keep using Alternatively, the solution might be reversed -- keeps using, while needs to fork the existing module (before started tweaking it) into Without the option of forking the module like this, both behaviours (pre- and post-tweak) could be supported in the same module, conditionalized on some configuration setting. However, if you repeat this practice for N institutions, you'll quickly end up with pretty much impenetrable spaghetti code. *** cerebrum/Cerebrum/extlib/ -- external code Cerebrum makes use of a few Python modules that aren't developed as part of Cerebrum. These are imported into the development tree under the cerebrum/Cerebrum/extlib/ directory. ** cerebrum/contrib/ -- export and import scripts. Scripts for doing various imports to and exports from Cerebrum resides here. This directory is also split in a reverse-domain-name fashion. Scripts that are "generic" live directly under cerebrum/contrib/, while scripts that are specific to lives in cerebrum/contrib/no/uio/. The idea is, again, to allow e.g. to implement features they need without getting too tangled up in whatever features e.g. are already using (and relying on). Note that are free to choose filenames under contrib/no/ntnu however they like. If they make a variant of the existing script contrib/, they might call it contrib/no/ntnu/, or they might call it contrib/no/ntnu/, or even contrib/no/ntnu/ -- it's their call. Also note that some scripts will depend on specific extensions under cerebrum/Cerebrum being installed and configured -- however, there doesn't have to be any correspondence between the placement of the script under contrib/ and the placement of the extension it uses under Cerebrum. Example: A script in contrib/no/uio/ is free to use extensions from Cerebrum/modules/se/su/ and Cerebrum/modules/fi/tut/. ** cerebrum/server/ -- various long-running Cerebrum services. ** cerebrum/java/ -- Java client code (JBofh). ** cerebrum/design/ -- SQL definitions and design documents. ** cerebrum/web/ -- web-based bofh client. * Installing all this -- what goes where. ** The Cerebrum python package The entire cerebrum/Cerebrum/ directory (with all subdirectories) is installed. This is done partly to ease the installation process: - the person doing the install doesn't have to specify which parts to install, and - the installation magic doesn't have to figure out if any of the parts it was asked to install happens to rely on some part that wasn't scheduled for installation. and partly because we expect many installations to use extensions from multiple (supposedly) institution-specific subpackages. E.g. may discover that already have forked "foo" to support a feature that also wants. are then free to use the "foo" module (but might at a later date need to fork it into their own directory if makes any changes that doesn't want). -- The Cerebrum python package and its subpackages should be installed as "packages" (in distutils terminology); this means that byte-compiled (".pyc") and, optionally, optimized (".pyo") variants of the files should be installed along with the plain ".py" files. The Cerebrum package should be installed in the directory returned by distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix=$prefix), e.g. $prefix/lib/python2.2/site-packages/. We expect it to be a common case to install Cerebrum with a non-standard --prefix or --root. This means that python won't be able to find the Cerebrum package without some modification of sys.path. To solve this, the module "" is installed to a directory in the non-modified sys.path, and Cerebrum scripts should always do "import cerebrum_path" before they try to access anything from the Cerebrum package. -- The module should be installed as "py_modules". The module should go in the directory returned by distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(), e.g. /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/. Python code should use fully qualified module names when importing from the Cerebrum package. Even though module "" might be able to (in most circumstances) import module "" by saying import bar it should rather say one of from import bar import ** The plethora of scripts under contrib/. It is likely that many Cerebrum installations will want to use a combination of 1) generic scripts -- the ones that live directly under contrib/, 2) "their own" scripts -- that live in the domain-specific subdirectory of contrib/ corresponding to that institution, and 3) (supposedly) institution-specific scripts from one or more other institutions -- which live in those institutions' domain-specific subdirectories of contrib/. As it is entirely up to each institution to decide how they want to name the scripts inside their institution-specific subdirectory of contrib, an attempt to install files from both (1), (2) and (3) to the same directory might lead to collisions. While it is not likely that any one installation will want to use scripts from *all* the subdirectories of contrib/, the same "simplicity of installation" argument as given above should hold here, too. Hence, we install the entire contrib/ tree. -- All files under contrib/ should be installed as "scripts". However, to avoid collisions, the tree structure of cerebrum/contrib/ should be reflected under the installation target directory, $prefix/share/cerebrum/contrib/. ** Long-running services Files under cerebrum/server/ should also be installed as "scripts", and go in $prefix/sbin/. ** SQL definitions etc. Files under cerebrum/design/ should be installed as "data_files" to $prefix/share/cerebrum/design/. Hopefully, that should cover most of it. If there still are areas of uncertainty, or if anyone disagrees with any of the above, let me know. -- Harald