Musikkeksempel Hans uke 3

Listen to the track “Timber” by Coldcut (from 1997) (Apple Music, Spotify, etc.).


- How do you experience the music?

- Do you "see" any images when listening?


After answering the above, watch the music video for the same track (YouTube or other):


- Do you experience the music differently when you watch the video?


Try to close your eyes and only listen for a while. Try also to turn off the sound and only look at the video.


- How is the experience of only using one modality (eyes or ears) as compared to using both?


- Can you think of musical experiences you have had where you have also used other modalities, such as smell, taste or feel?

Publisert 8. des. 2015 10:56 - Sist endret 8. des. 2015 10:56