Musikkeksempel Hans uke 6

Music and emotion

Watch Gotye’s music video “Hearts a Mess” (from 2007).

In this video you will see several couplings between music, movement and emotion, that illuminate various ways we make sense of movement in music.

1. How the figures walk shows a link between gait (how we walk) and pulse in the music. 2. The way the pelican-creature ascends (at 0:59-1:05) shows a link between music and verticality (the music also “ascends”). 3. The part where Gotye is acting that he is playing a brass instrument (2:50–2:54) shows how he makes sense of how the sound is produced (on the instrument). In addition, all the parts where we see him singing, are also examples of how the sounds we hear are produced.

1.  If you try to walk to the groove you’ll see that your walk will have to be very slow if it should match Gotye’s figure. Try to double the tempo (while still being in synch with the music). Most sad, melancholic music is in a slow tempo. Discuss how this may be connected to how we as humans move when we feel sad or melancholic.

2. Try to actively ascend together with the pelican-creature. Does this movement enhance the experience of the vertical movement in the music? Discuss why or why not.

3. Listen to the melodic theme at 0:46-1:02 (played with an organ sound). Then watch the video of the same part. The first ending of this theme is in synch with the foot of the creature gently being set down – does this movement influence how you hear the melodic theme? Discuss why/why not?

4. After the pelican-creature has risen, there is a musical part with a descending structure. Do you experience that this downward movement fits the melancholic mood of the track (down being “feeling low, feeling down”)? Discuss.

Publisert 8. des. 2015 14:26 - Sist endret 8. des. 2015 14:26