
Unpublished material

Presentations, talks, posters

  • The use of uh-huh in British conversation, TV transcripts and fictional dialogue: Affirmative answer, backchannel or something else? Paper presented at ICAME 45 in Vigo, Spain, 2024. pdf
  • Exploring ways of distinguishing prize-winning novels from non-prize-winning ones. Paper presented at ICAME 44 in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, 2023. pdf
  • Reporting clauses in British general vs. crime fiction. Paper presented at ICAME 43 in Cambridge, England, 2022. pdf
  • BE verbs in a contrastive perspective: The case of být, be and være. Paper presented together with Anna Čermáková & Signe Oksefjell Ebeling at UCCTS 21 in Centro Universitario di Bertinoro, Italy, 2021. pdf
  • 120 years of reporting clauses (1900-2019): stability or change? Paper presented at ICAME 42 in Dortmund, Germany, 2021. pdf
  • Think it. Say it. Reported. A century of reporting verbs in British fiction (1900-2019). Work-in-Progress report accepted at ICAME 41 in Heidleberg, Germany, 2020. short pdf abstract | extended pdf abstract
  • Contrastive Analysis, Tertium Comparationis and Corpora. Panel presentation held at Corpus Linguistics 2019 in Cardiff. pdf | pptx | abstract
  • What can a diachronic corpus of modern British fiction tell us about changes in (British) society? Work-in-Progress presentation held at ICAME 39 in Tampere, Finland, 2018. pdf | pptx
  • Bringing closure. Work-in-Progress presentation held at ICAME 38 in Prague, Czech Republic, 2017. pdf | pptx | abstract

Other publications

From my "Sumerian" days

  • Ebeling, Jarle & Graham Cunningham (eds). 2007. Analysing Literary Sumerian. Corpus-based Approaches. London: Equinox.
  • Ebeling, Jarle. 2007. Corpora, corpus linguistics, and the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. In Jarle Ebeling & Graham Cunningham (eds), 33–50.
  • Ebeling, Jarle. 2007. The vocabulary of literary Sumerian: a corpus-driven investigation. In Jarle Ebeling & Graham Cunningham (eds), 51–69.
  • Ebeling, Jarle. 2007. The meaning and function of multiword-verb combinations with and without ak “to do”. Jarle Ebeling & Graham Cunningham (eds), 144–183.
  • Ebeling, Jarle. 2007 The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. Corpora 3/2:1, 111–120.
  • Ebeling, Jarle. 2010. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature: an all-in-one-corpus? In Heather D. Baker, Eleanor Robson, and Gábor Zólyomi (eds), Your praise is sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. London: British Institute for the Study of Iraq, 53–67.


Resources I have contributed to

Published Mar. 25, 2020 11:04 AM - Last modified July 1, 2024 1:18 PM